7 Precautions To Take Before Getting a Divorce in Arizona

Knowing it’s time for a divorce can be a scary situation to be in, but once the first step has been taken and the whole process has been set in motion, everything feels a little easier. Here are seven precautions to take before getting a divorce in Arizona. Stay in your home. No matter how tempting […]

5 Things To Make Sure Your Custody Agreement Includes

Many couples who divorce amicably decide to DIY their divorce and custody agreements, often using templates that allow them to tweak the details to fit their own situation. However, DIY custody agreements may not be thorough enough, leaving room for misinterpretation and conflict later on. Here are five often overlooked things your custody agreement should have. Religion: Religion […]

How To Apply for Grandparents Rights in Arizona

Being separated from a grandchild you love is difficult, especially if you have concerns about the child’s well-being. Arizona does provide for grandparent rights, so you may have legal avenues you can take. Here is everything you need to know about how to apply for grandparents rights. Grandparent Visitation or Custody? The first thing to […]

What You Need To Know About Pet Custody in Arizona

One of the most challenging and emotionally contentious issues that couples face when splitting up is who will get the pets. Pet custody can be one of the biggest issues after child custody, often generating more fighting than financial considerations, because of how emotionally charged the negotiations can be. Here is everything you need to […]

5 Tips for Navigating Holidays and Shared Custody

One of the most challenging things about being a divorced parent is navigating holidays and shared custody. Holidays are special times for families, which makes it difficult to juggle emotional and sentimental expectations with shared parenting. Here are a few tips for helping holidays go as smoothly as possible. Make sure no one is left out […]

Creating an Effective Parenting Plan for Your Arizona Divorce Case

Divorce is the most difficult on children, and the sooner parents can establish a parenting plan, the better. The parenting plan creates a framework that offers stability for the child(ren) and minimizes conflict between parents and other family members. Whether the divorce is amicable or contentious, it is in the best interests of everyone to […]

What Long Distance Parenting Means for You

Arizona courts prefer to split legal decision making and parenting time as equally as possible between two parents in a custody agreement, but it doesn’t always work out that way. If you have to move too far away for a more equal split of parenting time, what will that mean for your relationship with your […]

How To Cope with Divorce

Divorce is a life-changing event, and it’s to be expected that you’ll find it difficult to cope with on many different levels. Whether you have a complicated, messy divorce involving property and child custody battles, or a fairly straightforward divorce between two people without kids or a lot of property, the mental and emotional toll […]

4 Tips for Filing for Divorce in Arizona

Filing for divorce can feel like taking a leap into the unknown and hoping you land on your feet. Fortunately, you can make the leap much less scary by understanding the process and ensuring you have everything you need to succeed. Here are a few tips for filing for divorce in Arizona. Gather paperwork. In […]

Navigating Child Support in Arizona

Raising kids is an expensive proposition, and Arizona courts recognize that it usually requires two parents’ earnings to make it happen comfortably. That’s why, even though Arizona courts prefer to keep both parents equally involved in the child’s life, they also recognize that earning differences, parenting time differences, and who is paying the expenses may create […]